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The Singers MCA 20th Anniversary Season Call for Scores, St. Paul MN (USA)
Finalist Composer - Lux Aeterna for SATB mixed choir



Springfield Chamber Chorus Composition Competition, Springfield MO (USA)

Finalist Composer - De Hominis Dignitate for SATB mixed choir


Opus Ignotum International Composition Competition, Prague (Czech Republic)

Special Award - Quod Deus latens simul ac patens est for SATB mixed choir

North State Symphony Composition Competition, Redding, CA (USA)

Finalist Composer - Queen Bee for Symphonic Orchestra 

European Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia (Bulgaria)

Finalist Composer - Queen Bee for Symphonic Orchestra 

Fifth Centenary of Oropa’s Madonna Coronation, National Composition Competition, Biella (Italy).

Special ACP Price “for a composition meant for a youthful assembly” - Marian Antiphons for SATB mixed choir

World Projects, Los Angeles Performing Arts Festival, Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, CA (USA).
Second Place Winner - Forty, Eleven for Symphonic Orchestra


Sacra Nova Cathedrale MAGNIFICAT, Milwaukee, WI (USA).
Winning Composer - Salve Regina for SATB mixed choir

WAV Venice Audio-Visual Show, Venezia (Italy).
Winning Composer - Mercurius for SATB mixed choir


“THE EAR” Composer Duel, New York, NY (USA).
Finalist Composer - Skylark for String Orchestra

I have always been impressed with the originality and the rhythmic flare that his works exhibit. I warmly recommend Andrea Donati without hesitations and look forward to seeing his pieces performed by orchestras and ensembles all over the world.

Mi hanno sempre impressionato l’originalità e la brillantezza ritmica che emergono chiaramente nei suoi lavori. Raccomando calorosamente Andrea Donati senza esitazioni e spero di vedere i suoi brani eseguiti dalle orchestre e gruppi di tutto il mondo.

Scott Seaton

Music Director, North State Symphony, California, USA

He has a unique, thoroughly developed and educated creative voice. His music frequently employs well-informed contrapuntal techniques, substantial amounts of rhythmic creativity, evidence of technical proficiency and a deep understanding of orchestration, and an intimate relationship with melody and harmony.

È dotato di una voce creativa unica, di profonda maturità. La sua musica si avvale di tecniche contrappuntistiche raffinate, una ricchissima creatività ritmica, un'evidente padronanza tecnica e una profonda conoscenza dell’orchestrazione, oltre a un’indubbia e intima relazione con la melodia e l’armonia.

Jeremy Leidhecker

Director of European Academy of Fine Arts, Film Scoring Academy of Europe


He is a very talented composer, his work stands out for his ingenuity and ability to create beautiful and challenging pieces. It has been an honor to work with Mr. Donati and get to know him as a composer, and we are looking forward to continue working with him and hearing more of his music.

È un compositore di grande talento, il suo lavoro si distingue per l'acume compositivo e la capacità di dar vita a brani stupendi e stimolanti. È stato un onore lavorare con lui e conoscerlo come compositore, non vediamo l’ora di avere altre occasioni di collaborare e di ascoltare i suoi nuovi lavori

Deborah Gibbs, Kendra Walker

CEO and Production Manager, World Projects, Los Angeles, California, USA


In his works he has demonstrated his virtuous mediation between the compositional techniques of the second half of XX century and the expressiveness of the whole choral repertoire of the past. His poetics nourishes a peculiar attention for the communicativeness of his musical work, and thus communicates to a variety of publics and is accessible to a wide reception.

In molte sue opere ha dimostrato di saper mediare virtuosamente tra le tecniche compositive del secondo Novecento e l’espressività di vari universi della scrittura corale di epoche precedenti. Emerge nella sua poetica musicale l’attenzione alla comunicatività dell’opera, attraverso un codice che consente la possibilità di ricezione anche da parte di un pubblico non esperto.


M° Antonio Eros Negri

Composer, Orchestra Conductor and Head of the Department of Conduction and Composition, Giuseppe Verdi National Conservatory, Como, Italy.

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